Discover Noosa at group training session

Tourists and locals alike can learn about the Noosa region at Tourism Noosa’s popular group training session ‘Welcome to Noosa’ on Tuesday 5 March.

‘Welcome to Noosa’ is an online training program that provides basic information on Noosa – why the region is so special, its history, key things to do in Noosa and information on the Noosa Biosphere, as well as providing great customer service strategies and information on workplace health and safety.

With over 2000 people completing the course to date, more businesses are getting behind the program and it can provide an advantage when looking for employment. On completion of the course, participants receive a certificate and a ‘Welcome to Noosa’ badge.

Russell Birrel of Hirum Software Solutions completed the program and said, “As a local of this region for over 15 years, I was very impressed by the value delivered through the ‘Welcome to Noosa’ program.”

“The programme will undoubtedly assist local tourism operators and other businesses deliver greater experiences for their customers.

“I am confident that anyone undertaking the programme will learn something new about the Noosa area.”

The group training sessions are a great way to complete the course with others in a fun environment with sessions running for 90 minutes and costing $10 per person.

Participants can call 5430 5009 to RSVP before Monday 4 March.