Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced this morning that Queensland’s cases have risen to 873 overnight with 39 new cases in the state.
The latest update from Queensland Health indicates there are 82 cases on the Sunshine Coast as of April 3.
Nationally there have been 26 deaths.
Premier Palaszczuk spoke on ABC radio this morning claiming that Queensland is not yet on the curve.
“We (Queensland) haven’t even started to climb the curve.
“The evidence is telling me we are about two or three weeks behind NSW and the peak could be in July, August, September.
“As I said there is extensive modelling, there is extensive preparation happening,” she said.
Queensland’s boarders are now closed to everyone except those who hold a Queensland residency or are considered exempt from the restrictions.
The Noosa National Park trail appears to be accessible at this stage, but day areas and look outs have now been fenced off to avoid any mass congregations.
Beaches are open for exercise purposes only, no sun-baking or socialising is permitted.
Queensland’s Police Commissioner Katarina Caroll said that between March 6 – 27 has seen a 26 per cent decrease in assaults, a 19 per cent reduction in sexual offences, a 10 per cent reduction in robberies.
Noosa Today will continue to update the latest COVID-19 information as it comes.