Sunshine Butterflies have come up with a fun way to express creativity while capturing the beauty of the butterflies recently seen across Noosa and the Sunshine Coast.”Have you been seeing Butterflies around lately? Because we have!”On top of the real, flying butterflies, we have been seeing butterfly shapes everywhere! In our homes, on the street, within art, nature and even food!
“With all these butterfly shapes popping up lately, we have decided to create a ‘Butterfly Challenge’ for everyone to be involved in!
“All we need to create this digital masterpiece is a photo of your unique butterflies!
“To be in the Butterfly Challenge, take a photo of ANY butterfly you see or make. Your photo could be of a real butterfly, a drawing or painting of a butterfly, a butterfly shaped object in nature or even a butterfly shape in your house. You could even make a hanging butterfly mobile, or sculpture!
“Anything that looks like a butterfly counts! We have added some examples below to get your creative minds thinking, so get cracking!!
“The photos can be as creative as you like, all you have to do is:
1. Post a picture of your butterfly on Instagram
2. TAG @sunshinebutterflies
3. Write the hashtag #ButterflyPhotoChallenge in your photo description
“To be considered for the prize, make sure you are following Sunshine Butterflies on Instagram so you can watch the Butterfly Challenge evolve.
“Remember to post your photo on Instagram, TAG @sunshinebutterflies and write in the hashtag #ButterflyPhotoChallenge.
“A winner will be picked for the most unique butterfly!
“The winner of the Butterfly Challenge will win a beautiful Sunshine Butterflies Hamper filled with handmade and boutique goodies!
“Join in on the BUTTERFLY CHALLENGE now and let’s create a flutter of butterflies together.
“Now, keep your eyes peeled for creative butterfly shapes and pictures!”
The BUTTERFLY CHALLENGE will end in May, so get snapping!
REMINDER: This is an INSTAGRAM ONLY competition. Head to our instagram to participate
If you do not have instagram then please email your photo to and we will post it on our instagram for you.
The Sunshine Butterflies Team