Tiger girls make national academy

Damian 'Butch' Smith and daughter Bella

Noosa girls Bella Smith and Maggie Harmer have been named among the best 20 seventeen year old AFLW players in the nation after last week being invited to join the elite NAB national academy.

Both girls were absolute standouts during there Junior years with the Noosa tigers whereby for the most part they played with and against the boys.Bellas’ father and 1997 senior premiership player Butch Smith credits the cross competition with the boys as an integral reason for both girls on going development.’It definitely helped both Bells and Mags to compete against the boys during those initial years.Even training with them increased their skill development and their competitive instincts.And ofcourse the youth girls comps hadn’t really started up here so really that was there only choice.I do also credit the st Thomas more schools girls footy program under Mick Windmall who were so positive with girls footy and have had some really good girls come through and continue to perform well for the Noosa tigers’ Smith said

Both girls tasted junior premiership success with the Noosa tigers as key players in the boys under 14 premiership with Maggie also a dominant force in the tigers under 15 girls flag in 2018.Both girls awarded numerous individual accolades including club and league best and fairests over their short footballing journey thus far.

For the past two years Bella and Maggie have played pivotal roles for the the Maroochy Roos Qaflw Senior team under the tie ledge of ex Noosa senior assistant coa h and player Steve Moody.’Both girls have just been outstanding in there time here and deserve their selection in the national academy.It’s there draft year in terms of entering the aflw national draft later next year and to be named in the top 20 girls in the country certainly puts both girls at the top of the list.More importantly though, they are terrific young women who are very grounded and work very hard on their footy.’

Moody said.

A massive 2021 ahead for both girls and I’m sure the entire Noosa football community will closely follow their progress leading into the aflw draft.Too have two Noosa tiger girls in the top 20 in the country is just amazing!