Let’s head to the hinterland. Noosa Council has ratified the Noosa Trail Network Masterplan. It sets out an exciting vision for a nationally significant trail network that links the coast to the hinterland and paves the way for new tourism opportunities. Having the masterplan will help Council to secure more funding from both the Federal and State Governments. Last year we received $1.6m in funding under a Local Economic Recovery Grant to get the ball rolling. That funding will improve the 9km Pomona to Cooran trail with better signage, trail definition and better access plus car parking, a shelter shed, bike racks and horse-riding facilities. The aim is to have this completed mid 2022 which will not only improve our trail network, but it will provide construction jobs and boost our visitor numbers.
Talking more about our Hinterland region, Council continues to hold roundtable meetings with stakeholders and community advocates. We held another this month with members from hinterland community groups, Qld Police, Sandy Bolton MP, Council staff and officers from Transport and Main Roads. I instigated these roundtables last August 2020 as we need to understand and work with our community at every level on this incredibly important issue. Only recently, after our last meeting, I called on Kin Kin Quarry operator Cordwell Resources requesting that they avoid truck movements near schools during school drop off and pick-up times. The request comes after Council issued another round of $27,000 fines for alleged breaches of the Quarry Management Plan, relating to truck movements which takes the total in fines to $133,450 over a six-month period. Council continues to work with the community and residents to gather evidence in proposed legal action against the quarry operator and alongside Sandy Bolton MP who has written to the Premier and spoken out about this issue in Parliament demanding further action for safety of our residents we are doing all we can to continue to stand for and with our hinterland community.
The Short Stay Letting Local Law has been eagerly anticipated by many in our community. As of 9 April 2021, it is out for comment to the community and we are inviting all residents and stakeholders to have a say on a proposed local law to manage short-stay letting and home- hosted accommodation here in Noosa Shire. The proposed local law will help Council manage the impacts of short-stay let properties on residents and ensure owners who let their properties for short-stays are managing issues and dealing with complaints. The draft local law has been reworked since the consultation in 2019 by the previous council and changes reflect community and stakeholder feedback, legal advice, the new planning scheme and State Government input. The State Government has deferred its plans for a state -wide framework to manage short stay letting which is disappointing as the impacts of short stay letting on residential amenity continue to be an issue for some in our community. But now is an opportunity for you to have a say and tell us what you think. We want to hear from you, our community so please do take the time to provide feedback via yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au from 9 April 2021.
Just like we want to hear from you on Short stay local laws we also want to know where your priorities lie concerning the budget. If you haven’t had a chance to have a say on Council’s budget priorities using the online ‘balance the budget’ tool, consider joining us for the upcoming face to face councillor workshops planned during April. To book in for the 8 April 2021 and 13 April 2021 sessions please call Council on 5329 6500 as places are limited. Many residents have already provided comment via online consultation at yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au and I would encourage others have their say as Noosa is one of only 3 Councils in Qld to have this ‘balancing act’ budget online simulation tool as part of our engagement process. It brings transparency and openness to a higher level and we are encouraging all our residents to get involved so we know what matters to you and where your priorities lie.
To end on a high, Council’s Go Noosa program including the Free Holiday Buses will be back from 2 April 2021-18 April 2021 over our Easter holiday period. A survey over the Christmas period found more than 95% of free bus passengers were either very satisfied or satisfied with their bus trip, and more than half of those surveyed using the free buses over Christmas were locals (58%). As well as our free buses, our Noosa Ferry initiative will return for Easter. There is simply no better way to travel and for more on Go Noosa please visit: www.noosa.qld.gov.au/go-noosa-holidays.
Until next month, stay safe and may the blessings of our Easter period be with you and your loved ones, Clare.