There is “something for everyone“ Noosa MP Sandy Bolton said of the State Government Budget, after her first “trawl through“ the budget papers, but warns the devil is in the detail when it comes to how and where new funding allocations will be dispersed.
As the economy continues to struggle out of COVID entities such as Deloitte have suggested the Queensland Government’s Economic Recovery Plan drive private sector growth and jobs, despite the level of debt, she said
“Due to record low interest rates, it is cheaper to service debt and borrow to rebuild – thus stimulating the economy even further,“ she said.Ms Bolton said while there not not specific announcements on Noosa wish list items such as community housing, Tewantin Bypass Stage 2 design, hinterland roads damage repairs nor scoping for the expansion of Noosa Hospital Emergency Department, we do have the funding pools announced including the $2 Billion Hospital Fund from which to access the funds required. “Meetings in the week after Budget will concentrate on these, and during Estimates,“ she said.
She said funding had Increased in several areas including domestic violence, businesses and trainees and frontline services.
Some Noosa specific highlights are listed below, although some have been previously announced:
Transport and Main Roads
$18,000,000 – Replace the timber bridge at Kin Kin Road, Six Mile Creek – $500,000 spent in financial year to date, with $5,899 million confirmed this financial year.
$454,000 – Rehabilitate pavement at David Low Way (Peregian Beach),
$275,000 – Upgrade roundabout at Doonella Street and Memorial Avenue intersection, Tewantin,$560,000 – Rehabilitate pavement at Gympie Terrace, Noosaville (James to Williams streets),$7,000,000 – Replace Doonella Lake Bridge at Memorial Avenue, Tewantin,$445,000 – Design shared path at Noosa Drive, Halse Lane to Sunshine Beach Road,$3,500,000 – Upgrade Garth Prowd Bridge at Noosa Parade, Noosa Heads,
$4,460,000 – Continue construction of active transport facilities at Noosa Parade, (Munna Point Bridge to Garth Prowd Bridge),$9,810,000 – Continuation of Tewantin Bypass Stage 1, Cooroy – Noosa Road and Beckmans Road intersection upgradeEducation, Industrial Relations and Racing
Maintenance for schools in the Noosa local government area (LGA)- $618,000 allocated across 11 schools for maintenance in schools throughout the 2021-22 financial year
Minor Works for schools in the Noosa LGA – $235,000 allocated across 11 schools in the Noosa local government area for minor works in schools throughout the 2021-22 financial year.
Cooran State School – $200,000 of $200,000 – Refurbish Life Skills area including replacement of floor coverings and built-in furniture
Noosa District State High School – $434,000 of $710,000 – Administration Upgrades
Noosa District State High School – $280,000 of $5,750,000 – New hall facility
Noosa District State High School – $120,000 of $350,000 – Refurbishment of Block H Learning Spaces
Noosa District State High School – $300,000 of $300,000 – Resurface/ Resurface Multipurpose Courts
Noosaville State School – $250,000 of $250,000 – Refurbish Resource Centre Block B including replacement of existing outdoor learning area.
Noosaville State School – $77,000 of $77,000 – Covered Area and Walkways
Sunshine Beach State High School – $400,000 of $400,000 – Refurbish Science Block B including preparation room
Sunshine Beach State High School – $165,000 of $165,000 – Basketball Courts Shade Structure
Sunshine Beach State School – $100,000 of $250,000 – Rectification to outdoor learning area
Communities and Housing, Digital Economy and Arts
Community transport – $10,000 in 2021-22 to assist eligible residents who are aged under 65 years not eligible for NDIS or My Aged Care.
$510,000 in 2021-22 to United Synergies Tewantin to deliver specialist homelessness services.
$3,142 as part of $12,568 over four years for the preparation and delivery of meals.
$123,781 as part of a $495,124 commitment over four years to provide programs to increase the ability for individuals and community groups to participate positively in their community.
$1,982 as part of a $7,928 over four years as a contribution towards the preparation and delivery of meals.
$140,941 as part of a $563,764 commitment over four years to provide support and assistance to vulnerable individuals through financial literacy and generalist counselling, public intoxication programs, and emergency relief.
Tourism, Industry Development and Innovation and Sport
$25,000 as part of a $75,000 commitment over 4 years to The Powerhouse Hub Ltd towards the Enhanced business development support for regional female-headed start-ups.
Employment and Small Business, Training and Skills Development
Continuing the Back to Work Program – $35,000,000 of the $140,000,000 committed
$155,140 for maintenance investment through Skilling Queenslanders to begin preparing the former TAFE site in Tewantin for use.Assisting up to 876 people to get job ready skills through $4.672million for Skilling Queenslanders for Work in the Sunshine Coast region.
Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Science and Youth Affairs
$1.5 million this financial year out of $2.5 million total to develop eco-accommodation and guided walks for the Cooloola Great Walk delivered collaboratively with Kabi Kabi People and CABN.
Community Sustainability Action Grant – $10,540 as part of a $66,150 commitment for eligible grant projects addressing climate change, built heritage and nature conservation.More information is available at Budget Papers – Queensland Budget 2021-22 or at Ms Bolton’s Noosa 360 site at