See Mess Esque live in Eumundi

Mess Esque will be playing at The Imperial Hotel on Saturday 12 February.

Saturday 12 February will see a rare live performance from Mess Esque in The Bunker at The Imperial Hotel Eumundi, supported by Brisbane-based These Guy.

Mess Esque is the musical vision of Dirty Three guitarist Mick Turner and McKisko composer Helen Franzmann.

Since forming via a lockdown-confined correspondence in 2020, they have recorded and released two records, Dream #12 (Bedroom Suck) and the self-titled Mess Esque (Drag City/ Milk).

Together they create a curious synthesis of dream pop, psych soul and ethereal indie rock.

Effortlessly balancing bold emotional immediacy with a quietly assured sense of composure, Mess Esque draw the listener into their compelling world of sideways shadows and nocturnal projections.

Franzmann’s dream diary reflections and cyclical refrains echo Turner’s tapestry of guitar loops, organs, flutes and scattered percussion.

Melodies arch upwards dramatically before dissolving into diaphanous substratums of whispers and sighs.

Songs unfold in their own time, drifting outwards before circling back to find themselves where they left off, each time the same but somehow different.

While ongoing restrictions have hindered and postponed live performances in their journey so far, 2022 sees Mess Esque finally able to recreate these special songs in the concert setting.

The results will no doubt be as captivating and mesmeric as they appear on record. 

Mess Esque play dates across Australia this February and March, followed by a US tour in May, including a coveted slot at Wilco’s Solid Sound festival. 

“This will be our first show in a year and only our third ever due to the lockdowns and being separately located in Queensland and Victoria,” Mick said.

“We’re so ready and excited to get playing live after making these albums.”

The line-up includes Peggy Frew (Art of fighting) on bass, Keely Young (Requin) on guitar/backings and Kurt Read (Glows) on drums.

Supporting Mess Esque is synth-pop quartet, These Guy – comprising multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Joe Saxby, Josh Coxon (aka Simi Lacroix) on guitar, Eddie L’Estrange on drums and Durwin Anderson on bass.

Hailing from Brisbane via Canada, These Guy will be playing songs from their latest release and third full length album A Long Winded Story.

Tickets are $20, plus a booking fee via Oztix. Doors open at 7.30pm for this 18-plus event.