Humdrum still roasting after the fire

Jordan Neal and Humdrum Espresso manager Katrina Chapman are now serving coffees from a Padre Coffee van at Eumundi. Photo: Rob Maccoll

Margie Maccoll

After finding out via Instagram that their business was burning, Humdrum Espresso is still managing to deliver coffee to its loyal customers in Eumundi.

They even have plans to set up in temporary premises across the road until a rebuild is completed.

Business owner Steve Arthy said Humdrum manager Katrina Chapman rang him three weeks ago at 5am after the business was tagged on Instagram going up in flames.

“Someone had taken a video and tagged us,“ he said.

“Firies said it’d been burning for a good hour before they got there. There were 10m flames. Eumundi’s a quiet place. No one noticed. The baker across the road called it in.“

The building leased by Humdrum was only built about a year earlier but is now a total “knockover“. Even the concrete slab has to be re-poured as its reinforcements would have expanded in the heat, Steve said.

With a time line on a future rebuild uncertain, Humdrum was fortunate to be able to obtain the use of a Padre Coffee van and continue trading from the business carpark in a limited fashion.

“It’s good to keep the staff going,“ Steve said.

“We employ about eight staff. We’re trying to do the best we can.“

The community has come to their aid again with the recent offering of a larger space across the road at the Imperial Hotel.

“They’ve been using it as a boutique cinema,“ Steve said.

“They were going to put it up for lease. They said if you want this space, it’s available. We’ve taken them up on it.“

Humdrum is now on the lookout for fridges, benches and a new coffee machine. After a fit out, the team hopes to be up and running at their Humdrum pop-up in a couple of weeks.

“We’ll have access to a kitchen. We can keep the chef on and do food,“ Steve said. “It’ll be awesome.“

But their ultimate goal is to return after the rebuild to the site they regard as “one of the best spots in Eumundi“ where they first established the business only eight months ago.

Steve said the devastation had shown them the kindness of the community.

“Everyone’s been offering their support. That’s one of the beautiful parts of this situation,“ Steve said. “You find out how much people care.“