Become a waste warrior at Noosa Festival of Surfing

The 2021 Waste Warrior team.

Are you the type of person that gets frustrated when you see recyclables thrown into the general waste bin?

If you’re an avid (or aspiring) recycler or composter, why not consider signing up to become a Waste Warrior volunteer for the Noosa Festival of Surfing, 5-13 March 2022.

Volunteers get to be part of all of the Noosa Festival of Surfing action, receive a goody bag, learn about event sustainability plus the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve made a difference.

To date, Noosa Waste Warrior volunteers at events have diverted hundreds of kilograms of food waste, 10c refundables and recycling from ending up in landfill.

Recycling at events can be confusing, and many event-goers are focused on enjoying the event, not on where their used cup should go. Waste Warriors are stationed at event bins to help inform event-goers to place items in the correct bin.

This year the event organisers for the Noosa Festival of Surfing is aiming to divert 75 per cent of all waste from landfill and we need you to help make this happen!

To become a volunteer – head to

After registering, attend the Noosa Festival of Surfing Volunteer Induction and meet other volunteer rock stars! Date: Wednesday 2 March 5:30pm to 7:30pm (drinks and nibbles provided) at the Noosa Visitor Information Centre.

Shifts on offer every day of the Festival between 7am to 4pm but if you are short on time we would really love your help on the weekends 5-6 March and 12-13 March plus beach clean-up’s daily from 4-5pm and Clean-Up Australia Day 6 March 8-9am (Noosa Woods).

For further information contact Amanda Pummer: 0422 877 162,