Mr and Mrs Rosé

Kirk Pengilly in Noosa with a bottle of KP Rosé.

In Noosa for the surf festival a couple of weeks back, Mr and Mrs Layne Beachley made time in a hectic schedule for the customary lunch with this writer and wife.

Mr Beachley is perhaps better known as Kirk Pengilly, the multi-instrumentalist star of legendary rock band INXS, but in the surfing context he cheerfully stands in the background while his wife of a dozen years is in the spotlight. But for Kirk the shining moments whenever he and surfing superstar Layne travel for work are the ones when they can escape to a quiet corner of a restaurant with friends and enjoy good food, wine and conversation.

Such was the case when we got together at the Boardwalk Bistro on a rainy afternoon. We certainly ate and drank very well on the day, but Kirk had something special for me, having missed a milestone birthday through Covid lockdowns.

He reached into his pack and pulled out a pale pink bottle of his first-run signature 2021 KP Rosé.

I loved the bottle – featuring Kirk’s trademark horn rim glasses, pencil thin moustache and goatee – as much as I know I’m going to love its contents, when I’m allowed to drink them.

But why rosé?

Kirk takes up the story: “When I met Layne on a blind date, the likelihood of us hitting it off was slim. We were from completely different worlds. My livelihood was nocturnal and hers was diurnal. I worked inside and she worked outside. I drank white wine, she drank red. Then we discovered rosé, something we both loved.

“Late one night, on tour with INXS, Layne asked me, ‘What do we have in common that will keep us together?’ I answered, ‘Rosé.’

“Now, nearly two decades later, I wanted to make a rosé that celebrated our marital bliss.”

So, how did it come about and what does Kirk know about making wine?

“Not much. But I know what I like and, I’m learning. Coming from a background of rock stardom, I’d sampled a lot over the years but never actually thought of making wine.

“I guess it really starts with a cellar and an appreciation for good wine, then an idea from a friend – let’s make some.”

The journey began over five years ago with Kirk’s friend Craig, pushing it along and a winemaker lined up, but then Craig took a job in the US and the project went onto the back-burner.

But in early 2020 Kirk was staying with some friends near Byron Byron and mentioned that he’d been toying with the idea of putting out a rosé.

Says Kirk: “That planted a seed in the friend, Mike’s mind, having tinkered with wine making himself, and a few months later he mentioned he’d been in touch with award-winning McLaren Vale winemaker Rob Mack (Aphelion) who was interested.

“After a bunch of conversations and some rosé tastings, we formed KP Wine.

Here we are, 18 months later, with our first run of rosé – a mixture of Grenache and Mataro organic grapes grown in the best vineyards in McLaren Vale. We love the end result and trust you will too.”

Having drunk some special wines in special places around the world with Kirk over the years, I have no doubt whatsoever that I will.

But Kirk’s parting words are ringing in my ears: “Drink it with (wife) Jackie on a special occasion. It’s that kind of wine.”

As I write, our fifth grandchild is due any day. That’s pretty special. I’m looking forward to both events with approximately equal anticipation. (Better make that 40/60 in favour of the bub.)

KP Rosé will soon be available at select Noosa restaurants.