The Sunshine Coast District has its first two First Nations’ Police Liaison Officers.
The move comes after many years of consultation and advocacy led by the Sunshine Coast First Nations Group, within the First Nations community.
The search was nationwide, not only for two individuals to perform the role but also be able to communicate effectively, have existing community partnerships and be accepted by the local First Nations’ community.
On 3 May, Brooke Kingdom an Aboriginal woman from Anaiwan and Kamilaroi country, who previously worked with disadvantaged children, within the out of home care system in Armidale, and Vernon Corporal, a proud descendant of the Wakka Wakka and Bidjara, who has served initially with the Australian Defence Force before transitioning to the Queensland Police as a Communications Officer 24 years ago were successfully selected.
Upon being appointed, both Brooke and Vernon completed a two week Police Liaison Officer Initial Employment Training at the Queensland Police Service Academy and then both attended the State PLO conference where they engaged with many other PLOs around the state.
Both Brooke and Vernon have already commenced their journey by positively and proactively meeting and networking with many Traditional Custodians, Elders, community groups, networks and other departments across the entire Sunshine Coast District.
Both Brooke and Vernon in cooperation with Sunshine Coast First Nations’ representatives, were welcomed to the community in a formal ceremony at the NAIDOC Week celebrations, as part of the Wan’diny Family Fun Day on Saturday 9 July at Quota Park in Nambour.