Noosa teacher visits active volcano

It's not every day that you get to stand in front of an active volcano.

A Noosa STEM teacher has shared her latest experience from Iceland with Noosa District State High School students during Science Week.

Katrina Holewa is sharing her amazing journey while on the Teacher Geology and Earth Science Study Tour of Iceland.

“It’s not every day that you get to stand in front of an active volcano,“ Ms Holewa said.

Ms Holewa is a recipient of the 2020 TUH Health Fund Showcase Award for Excellence in Teaching and one of the 28 winners of the 2022 Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM.

The Teachers Union Health and the 2020 Queensland Department of Education Showcase Awards provided Ms Holewa with this amazing opportunity.

Ms Holewa is a well-loved staff member who helps to increase female participation and retention within STEM subjects.

She leads a project collaborating with female STEM industry professionals, and her students are more likely to consider a career in STEM.

Encouraging STEM participation in schools is so important to ensure Queensland students are ready for the good jobs of tomorrow.