Dads delight in car show

Crowds packed the Noosa Beach Classic Car Club Show on Fathers Day. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

Margie Maccoll

Saturday rains may have muddied the Noosa District Sports Centre ovals and constrained access for the Father’s Day Car Show but it didn’t stop a record crowd attending the Noosa Beach Classic Car Club event.

“The crowds and the cars came out in force, it was unbelievable,” club spokeswoman Kate Rider said.

Club patron, Bob Abbot officially opened the show and first-time attraction, the Shannons Super Rig, which registers visitor numbers to its pop up entertainment centre, recorded its best day ever.

Club member Julian Maricich won Best in Show for his 1994 Cobra Roadster and accepted his prize of a Frederique Constant bespoke Swiss watch from Eliahi Priest from Priest Jewellers.

“Julian’s 1994 Cobra Roadster scored an almost perfect judging score of 99 points out of 100. A clear and well deserved victory,” Kate said.

And the Encouragement Award winner was the show’s MC Alfie Rowley who showcased his beloved 1963 VW Beetle, his everyday drive car.

Other car enthusiasts came to showcase their treasures, swap stories or revel in the magnificence of the machines.

Among them was Ed Filmer of Buderim who came with the classically designed 2002 Morgan he has owned for 15 years. Ed bought his first Morgan in 1955, one of few of its type in Australia at the time. One day he was driving down the street in Sydney and spotted another one, he soon discovered was being driven by Ken Ward. So surprised were they, the drivers to see another Morgan they flagged each other down, only to discover they had gone to the same school. In 1958 Ed and Ken founded the Morgan Owners Club of Australia.

“We used to meet once a month and go for a run. It still goes the same way,” Ed said.

“It’s one of the strongest car clubs in Australia.”

Graham Brown attended the show with his 1954 Austin Healey which he has owned for the past 32 years, since it arrived in Australia, after being transported from the US along with a collection of classics, by an associate.

“This one came from Huntington Beach, California. It had sat out in the open for four years, rusting away,” Graham said.

It took two years to restore and for the past 30 years has clocked up about 1000km a year. Had it rained on Sunday Graham would have left his open top Austin Healey at home and brought along his Daimler, an English brand of car that has been driven by the Royal Family since 1899.

Frank Kroesen paid $2000 for his 1954 Ford Custom Line four years ago from a “guy in Victoria”. It had no motor, no upholstery, no hood and little else.

Frank’s dad used to do up old cars and so he decided to give it a go. Now in pristine condition Frank hopes to turn his hobby into a part-time job chauffeuring clients to weddings or formals.

As showgoers took in the spectacle they were entertained by Plan B Jazz, a band set up about 11 years ago by a spur of the moment decision from band leader Brian Ford who said he “woke up one morning and thought I’d like to start a modern jazz quartet”.

A week later a group was formed and, with a few comings and goings of performers, has continued to play local venues ever since. The current lineup of Brian Ford, Dave Merry, Roger Koller, Duncan MacQueen and vocalist Anna Quayle kept the show rolling on Sunday.

Look out for the next event from the Noosa Beach Classic Car Club which will be the Summer Hill Climb next month.