Donation helps single mum repair flood damaged driveway

Stephanie Clunies-Ross and Caroline Edington, Anne and Tony Oxley, David Bell, Geoff Bone, and Tex Pipke.

The Noosaville Business Association and Noosa Heads Rotary held the Sounds on Noosa Foreshore – Noosa Busking Championships earlier in the year along the beautiful Noosa River Foreshore.

This event is so well supported by both local business sponsors and the viewing public, that for the last couple of years it has been able to make a sizeable donation to its chosen charity.

This year’s worthy cause is the Noosa and Hinterland Rotary Flood Appeal, and the $5000 donation will go towards helping a single mother in the hinterland repair access to her property after her drive was washed away.

Presenting the donation on Friday 23 September were Noosaville Business Association committee members Stephanie Clunies-Ross and Caroline Edington, Anne and Tony Oxley, the Noosa Busking Event Founders to Rotarians David Bell, Geoff Bone, and Tex Pipke on behalf of the Noosa and Hinterland Combined Rotary Clubs.