Police crack down on hoons

More than 50 vehicles have been impounded and 2000 fines issued during a major police operation.

More than 50 vehicles have been impounded and 2000 fines issued during a major police operation cracking down on hoons across South-East Queensland.

Police Minister Mark Ryan said the Queensland Police Service had been targeting hooning behaviour as part of Operation Uniform Elderberry since June.

“The coordinated anti-hoon operation conducted across the South-East, has resulted in police impounding 59 vehicles and issuing 2048 infringement notices,” Mr Ryan said.

“Hoons driving dangerously in defective vehicles is a disaster waiting to happen.

“We do not want hoons tearing up our roadways like racetracks and putting themselves and innocent road users at risk for the sake of social media notoriety.”

Mr Ryan congratulated police for their perseverance in investigating hooning activity and, when appropriate, seizing vehicles under Queensland’s tough anti-hooning legislation.

“The idiotic behaviour police have seen throughout this operation is downright disturbing and I commend officers for removing these vehicles from our roads and taking action against those responsible,” he said.

Road Policing and Regional Support Command Assistant Commissioner Ben Marcus said the operation produced significant results.

“Our traffic officers have been working closely with intelligence officers as part of Operation Uniform Elderberry in targeting high-risk areas and drivers across the South-East,” Assistant Commissioner Marcus said.

“Police have disrupted various hoon events, seen a vehicle catch fire as a result of hooning and uncovered dangerous modifications such as one vehicle which had its steering wheel replaced with a computer game steering wheel.

“Our officers have come across illegal hooning activity being shared on social media apps like TikTok and impounded vehicles of those responsible.

“We also detected 164 drink and drug drivers as part of our anti-hooning crackdown.

“Our message to anyone taking part in high-risk activities on our roads is that we will continue to target you, investigate your dangerous antics and take action against you.”

Mr Ryan said the State Government’s tough anti-hoon laws was assisting police with apprehending and prosecuting offenders.

“Under these laws (known as owner onus or driver deeming laws) a registered owner of a car must prove they were not driving the vehicle at the time of the offence or else they will face the consequences.

“Along with some of the toughest penalties in the nation, this significant legal advantage for the Queensland Police Service sets Queensland apart from other Australian jurisdictions.”

In addition to penalties for hooning related offences of fines of up to $5,338 and terms of imprisonment up to 6 months, hoons also face having their vehicle impounded or immobilised.

Members of the public can report hoon activity in their area by contacting the QPS’ Hoon Hotline on 13HOON or making a report online.