Tree-mendous outcome for Men’s Shed

Glasshouse Men’s Shed members with woodwork on display.

Several large logs, each weighing almost a tonne, were recently received by the Glasshouse Country Men’s Shed thanks to an eager team of Sunshine Coast Council arborists.

Last month, council workers were in the area removing trees along Steve Irwin Way when Men’s Shed member Dave contacted council hoping to repurpose the logs.

Council Nursery Services and Street Tree Supervisor Joe Taylor said he was proud to be involved in delivering the logs safely to the local Men’s Shed.

“Our team was thrilled to connect with Dave from the Glasshouse Men’s Shed and give these logs a new purpose,” Mr Taylor said.

“Upon delivering the logs, our team toured the Men’s Shed and I am looking forward to seeing what these expert craftsmen can make with these Norfolk Island Pine tree logs.”

Division 1 Councillor Cr Rick Baberowski said this was another excellent example of building hands-on connections between council and the community.

“We are fortunate that the Glasshouse Mountains townships are home to a number of wonderful community groups, and we recognise the important contribution community organisations make to our region,” Cr Baberowski said.

“I am delighted to see council’s team of arborists so passionate about building a relationship with the Glasshouse Men’s Shed to give these logs a valued second life.

“Men’s sheds play an important role in supporting men’s health and wellbeing by offering a welcoming, informative and inspiring place for men from all walks of life to come together to share and exchange skills, friendship and health information.”