State delivers housing report

Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk.

The State Government has released the Outcomes Report from the historic Housing Summit held in October.

The Summit – for the first time – brought together almost 200 people from all levels of government alongside the construction industry and the real-estate industry along with planners, developers, community services organisations, homelessness advocates and community housing providers.

Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk said the Outcomes Report set out a program of actions backed by $56 million in new funding to deliver positive housing outcomes for the Queensland community.

“I didn’t convene the Housing Summit to just talk about housing. I convened the Summit so that the government could work with stakeholders to find sustainable, tangible, workable solutions to the challenges Queenslanders face,“ she said.

The Outcomes Report focuses on expanding housing supply and increasing housing support for Queensland.

Key actions include:

– $11.7 million to expand tenancy sustainment responses to support vulnerable people to maintain their tenancies.

– $10 million to expand private rental assistance products and services for people experiencing severe rental stress.

– $10 million to deliver more temporary emergency accommodation with onsite support.

– $8.5 million additional support for after-hours homelessness outreach services.

– A further $5 million boost to the Immediate Housing Response.

– $5 million for a Community Engagement and Awareness Campaign on growth and housing diversity.

– $3.3 million for cost of living relief, including emergency relief and food relief.

– $2.5 million to support the review of the South-East Queensland Regional Plan.

The $56 million investment is on top of the $1 billion boost in funding for the Housing Investment Fund announced at the Summit and the $5 million boost for the Immediate Response package that was announced in following the Housing Roundtable in September this year. This takes the government’s investment in social and affordable housing to an historic level of almost $4 billion.

The government is also undertaking an audit of state government-owned land and buildings for opportunities for residential use and partnering with local governments and non-government organisations to identify similar opportunities. The audit is expected to be completed in three months.

“And the government is working with community and faith-based organisations to similarly identify properties that can be used for vulnerable Queenslanders,” the Premier said.

”Another imminent step will be the opening of our Modular Homes Factory in Eagle Farm, where QBuild is using modern methods of construction to create prefabricated homes.

“We will continue to work with all levels of governments, industry, the private sector, our invaluable community housing providers and housing and homelessness community organisations to deliver this responsive and extensive program of work.

“There is more work to be done but we are taking important steps forward.”