Residents came to the rescue of a baby possum after a night time feline attack.
Beatrix Todd said the incident was heartbreaking at the time but had a happy ending.
“A few nights ago a cat decided to capture this poor possum joey. At only two weeks old, riding on his mum’s back he was unaware of the predators.
“I was able to free the possum from the cat’s mouth and thankfully he was unharmed, as was the cat,“ she said.
“Thanks to Wildlife Noosa, he was transported to emergency for antibiotic treatment, and next day he was taken into care by a carer.
“It is almost a miracle that the possum is unharmed and gets a second chance at life. Our wildlife is precious.“
Beatrix asked cat owners to remember to keep cats indoors and not let them roam around harming wildlife to extinction.
“Best philosophy: live and let live,“ she said.