Olympic vision launch

Sunshine Coast Legacy Community Reference Group Members celebrate the 10+10+ Legacy Vision launch.

Sunshine Coast Council launched its 10+10+ vision for what it seeks to achieve as a key delivery partner in the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The milestone document was unveiled on Tuesday at Alexandra Headland with members from the Sunshine Coast 2032 Legacy Plan Community Reference Group which has worked with council to develop a shared vision with aspirations for the region arising from the Brisbane 2032 Games.

Outcomes under the Legacy Vision include improved transport systems, including a passenger rail service from Beerwah to Maroochydore and a range of community-based programs involving First Nations, arts and culture, volunteering, disability access and the natural environment.

The vision also calls for increased hotel and accommodation options and greater participation in community sport, passive and nature-based recreation opportunities, along with delivering world class, accessible multi-purpose sporting venues.

The Legacy Vision aims to guide the region’s engagement with other levels of government, the private and community sectors and Games partners.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said as a key partner of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, and with only nine years to go, council was taking this opportunity to set a legacy vision that was bespoke to the region.

“We want our Sunshine Coast community to be the beneficiaries of our involvement in the 2032 Games, with an enduring legacy for current and future generations to enjoy,” he said.

“Our council is proud to be a delivery partner for the Games and proud that our region will play host to seven Olympic and two Paralympic events across four key venues.

“The legacy is – and rightly should be – much more than our infrastructure needs.

“It also needs to encompass actions that will make a meaningful impact on the liveability and sustainability of our Sunshine Coast.

“We would be selling our community short if we did not seek to maximise the opportunities afforded from our involvement in the Brisbane 2032 Games.“

Sunshine Coast Legacy Community Reference Group Chair Dr Bridie Kean said the Brisbane 2032 Games would give us a chance to secure a real and valued impact for everyone.

“The work that has gone into shaping the Legacy Vision is, however, really just the beginning.

“The rubber hits the road in converting this vision and its aspirations into outcomes – and everyone across our community and all tiers of government has an important role to play in ensuring this becomes a reality.”