Vertical and Horizontal

"Me and Joey on the Land".

Well-known local artist Jo Gabe is having an exhibition at Cooroy Bendigo Bank from 24 February.

Titled Vertical and Horizontal, these works are designed to both excite and calm the viewer.

“Vertical creates significance, attention, strength, life energy and potency,” Jo said.

“In general, it gives positive connotations whereas horizontal indicates a sense of stability, restfulness and calmness.

“I wanted to create a peacefulness within the viewer and a feeling of wellbeing, then from the vertical paintings a mood of spirituality and grandeur, with visual elements of bright colours pleasing to the eye and inducing a sense of happiness.“

Inspired by Kandinsky, Jo mainly paints landscapes of places she has visited and photographed, but she says: “I do love to do anything with a narrative. I enjoy portraiture and challenging subjects.

“Using gold, bronze and silver leaf is a favourite of mine. I love the effect and the way the light plays on the painting giving a magnetic feel to it.

“I have recently been chosen to paint the scenery for Noosa Arts Theatre which is a great challenge and has helped me to be looser in my artwork, more fun-like.”

Jo has exhibited her art in Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland and the UK, with sales in London, France, Russia, Singapore and Australia. Vertical and Horizontal will be at the Cooroy Bendigo Bank from 24 February to 31 March.