A witch hunt begins at Little Seed

Little Seed Theatre Company brings the story of the Salem witch hunts to life onstage.

Little Seed Theatre Company invites you to accompany them at the Eumundi School or Arts this February as a witch hunt begins in Salem.

The setting is 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts.

The Puritan purge of witchcraft in old Salem is both a gripping historical play and a timely parable of our contemporary society.

The story tells how small lies – children’s lies – build and build until the suspicions of a whole town are aroused.

Set in a small tight-knit community, personal grievances collide with lust and superstition, fuelling widespread hysteria. Arthur Miller’s timeless parable attacks the evils of mindless persecution and the terrifying power of false accusations.

Little Seed has a reputation for staging quality theatrical productions.

Well known for both their annual Shakespeare at the Lake event and the musicals they stage at the J, Little Seed has developed a following for their rich, diverse, and exciting work.

Among the cast of the Crucible are Ava Banks, who captivated audiences last May as Jacques in Shakespeare’s As You Like It in the role of Abigail Williams, the young woman whose accusation against many in her Salem community of witchery sets of a chilling chain of events.

Jack Miller plays John Proctor an honest, upright, and blunt-spoken farmer with a fatal flaw. Proctor’s lust for Abigail Williams leads to Abigail’s jealousy of his wife and sets the entire witch hysteria in motion.

Jack is powerful in his role of Proctor and has immersed himself fully in his final role for Little Seed.

This February, audiences can expect striking costumes from local costume designer Leona Seib, atmospheric lighting from Travis Macfarlane and intense performances as Little Seed Theatre Company brings the story of the Salem witch hunts to life onstage.

Playing a strictly limited season on February 17 and 18.

Tickets are available now at little-seed.com.au