Alan Mackay-Sim: A humble man who achieved great things

Sunshine Coast Oriana Choir performance at Toscalano, Italy, in 2019. 319906_01

Vale: Alan Mackay-Sim

January 4, 2023, was a sad day for Oriana Choir, and for the nation.

It was on that day that Alan Mackay-Sim AM, the 2017 Australian of the Year, pioneer in bio-medical research, and much loved choir member of Oriana Choir as well as the Brisbane Chorale and Sinfonia, passed away after a long illness. He was 71.

Alan had been described as a “titan” of science, referring specifically to his ground-breaking work in stem cell research and diseases of the brain. He was known and respected by scientists, academics, eminent medical persons and policy makers the world over.

His time with Oriana was relatively brief – he was a fully participating, and much valued member of the bass section for five years.

But during that time, he made a lasting impression, and he will be both sadly missed and very fondly remembered.

Orianians will remember him, not as the high-flying and brilliant scientist and pioneering researcher that he undoubtedly was, but as a friend, a fellow chorister, modest and unassuming, someone who laughed easily, who ‘got on’ with anyone and everyone, and was happy to be just one of the gang.

He had a great sense of humour, great generosity of spirit always willing to help, whatever the task.

Oh, and he could really sing too. Many times I have stood beside him and enjoyed hearing his rich, deep voice.

Those of us who were fortunate to be part of Oriana’s 2019 concert tour of Italy, will have some great memories of Alan.

One in particular stands out. We had several days in Lake Garda, and on one of those days we all took a boat trip across the lake to the village of Sirmione.

Alan took great delight in wearing a skipper’s peaked hat and sitting at the helm.

With his trademark moustache and delighted grin, he looked for all the world as if he was in total control of our craft.

As they say, a picture tells a thousand words.

A celebration of Alan Mackay-Sim’s life was held at the Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre at the D’Aguilar National Park in The Gap.

It was a life well lived, one in which he was always looking at the bigger picture of the world.

Oriana’s first concert season for 2023 is titled Oriana Sings – Mozart Vespers and the Music of Ola Gjeilo.


Sunday, April 23, Maleny Community Centre, 2pm;

Saturday, April 29, St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane 2pm;

Sunday, April 30, Stella Maris Primary School Hall, Maroochydore, 2pm.

We are honoured to dedicate this concert programme to the memory of our dear friend and fellow lover of music, Alan Mackay-Sim. May he rest in peace, richly deserved.