Groups cleaning up for environment

Gympie Landcare, in partnership with Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) and Clean Up Australia have planned a marine and litter debris clean up for the Gympie region, on 5 March 2023 at Rainbow Beach (Lawrie Hanson Park).

“With the devasting floods from 2022, we are still finding residual litter in our waterways and on our beaches,“ a spokesperson for the group said.

“We are asking for your assistance for one day, at Rainbow Beach and up to Inskip Point to remove rubbish from the coastline.

“We have been working with Tangaroa Blue and BMRG over the past six months and have already undertaken extremely successful major clean ups of our coastlines and waterways, but there are still small plastics and rubbish that are of a real threat to our marine and river life.

“If you have a few hours to spare, and you would like to contribute to protecting our marine life and threatened species, please consider joining us 5 March between 9am and 3pm.“

If volunteers can’t help on the beach, there are other ways they can assist Gympie Landcare.

“We are looking for assistance at the registration area, assisting with registrations, counting and allocating rubbish to allow upload to the website.

“Our staff are looking for other areas within the region to clean up and stop rubbish making its way to our riverways.“

Gympie Landcare are also clean to hear from locals who can provide tips on other waterways which need to be cleaned up as part of the marine and litter debris project.

“We are looking for opportunities to remove litter from all our local waterway areas,“ the spokesperson said.

And it won’t be all hardwork with Gympie Landcare hosting a community barbecue at 2pm as a ’thank you’ to all the volunteers.

“Wonderful organisations such as Burnett Mary Regional Group, Clean Up Australia, Cooloola Coast Care, Rainbow Beach Surf Lifesaving and Gympie Regional

Council are also supporting this fantastic project,“ the spokesperson said.

The Cooloola 4WD Club are also hoping onboard the Clean Up Australia Day events and, as they do every year are cleaning up the Freshwater Track.

To get involved head along to or check out their Clean Up Australia Link at for more information.