Orchids for mum

Ian Shipworth with his first prize Cattleya orchid in the novice section.

Only a year after joining Noosa District Orchid and Foliage Society novice orchid grower Ian Shipworth was thrilled to win first prize with his Cattleya which was on display last weekend at the club’s Mothers Day show at Tewantin.

Having grown orchids for years previously, but with little success, Ian said he had learnt a lot more about growing the plants from club members.

“There’s a lot to it. It’s very interesting,“ he said.

Ian said there was much you could learn about growing orchids on Google but being in the club gave you time to ask questions on different species, on pests and on the best local growing conditions.

It wasn’t only orchids on show but foliage. Show winner Deborah Shield said it was the colour and patterns that attracted her to foliage like her Aglaonema which complemented the orchids she grew alongside in her glass house.

Club president David Lyons said the society had about 100 members and while the Tewantin show restricted its display to Noosa members their annual show at Cooroy attracted entrants from further afield.

A steady stream of visitors dropped by to the spectacular display with many buying some exquisite gifts for Mothers Day.