Students line up coins for cancer

Students line up their loose change for cancer.

Noosa District SHS students from Years 7-12 pooled their loose change last Friday to join in a fundraising event called the Do It for Cancer Campaign – Year Level Coin Line Challenge.

The challenge was to see which year level could create the largest coin line possible, and the money raised would be donated to Cancer Foundations.

During the event, Year 7 and 8 student leaders gathered in the library to line up the coins, while the Year 9 to 12 students ventured to the basketball court.

Year 7 coordinator Mr Gordon said the atmosphere was charged with excitement as students eagerly contributed their loose change towards a noble cause and a great success, with students showing their generosity towards Cancer Foundations.

“It is so good to see that change can actually make change happen in the Cancer Foundation realm,“ he said.

The competition was intense, with Year 11 students emerging victorious, having created the largest coin line. The total amount raised at the Pomona Campus was $40.10, while the Cooroy Campus total was $876.40 creating a grand total of $916.50.

The success of the event demonstrated the power of collective efforts and the role small contributions can make towards achieving a greater goal.