Possum box and hive are the bees knees

Men's shed bee hive at Wallace park.

Staff and clients at Endeavour Foundation’s Noosaville Learning and Lifestyle hub think their recent gifts from the Noosa Men’s Shed are the bee’s knees.

The Noosa Men’s Shed were generous with their time and effort, building and donating a possum box and beehive to be used on Endeavour Foundation premises in Wallace Drive, Noosaville.

Site manager Julie Elford said everyone was excited by the gift.

“We want to say a big thank you to the Noosa Men’s Shed on behalf of the people we support, who will be enticing the local possums with carrots until they are settled into their new home,” Ms Elford said.

“Everyone will be following the life cycle of the bush bees and possums and will be excited to see the outcomes.”

“The bush bees are a great alternative as they don’t have a stinger and will pollinate the native plants in the surrounding Wallace Park Precinct,” she said.

Endeavour Foundation client Jason was on hand to present Chris and Vern from Noosa Men’s Shed with a certificate of appreciation.