Food and song provides bookends to GourMay

Billy Adams and Amanda Emblem. 337591_04

By Erle Levey

GourMay wraps up a month-long celebration of food in the Mary Valley with gala dinner on Saturday night.

Providing bookends to the festival Green Bowl Edifice ended GourMay just as it had started it … with an Artist and Artisan event at Imbil.

Cootharaba artist Steven Hill displayed his work in the grounds of the rural venue.

Then musician/songwriter Amanda Emblem took patrons on a journey filled with soul and swing.

Living in the Mary Valley since 2017, Amanda doubles as a market gardener supplying her fresh produce as part of the Mary Valley Country Harvest.

Amanda will be at the Artist and Artisan event at a secret location near Imbil.

It will be one of the closing events for GourMay, a month-long celebration of food and produce from the Mary Valley.

Saturday evening’s performance included the launch of her latest EP, including the title track Power of One.

Showing that Artist and Artisan is more than live music, it’s multi-course food experience and showcases local fresh foods.

The Mary Valley Country Harvest supplied the fruit and veg for the seven-course dinner.

The GourMay Mary Valley Gala Dinner will be held at Mary Valley State College, Imbil, at 6pm on Saturday, 3 June.

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