Sewing socially for 25 years

Guilded Lilies coordinator Margaret Lucas and founder Annette Mole. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

Twenty-five years ago former fabric shop owner Annette Mole started a sewing group, which last Sunday celebrated a quarter century milestone.

From her Snazzy Stitches store, Annette heard the Australian government was offering grants for people to set up sewing guilds, at around the same time sewing was a craft disappearing from school education, she said of the group’s beginnings.

She rounded up her customers, found a base for the group at the Masonic Hall at Tewantin and the Guilded Lilies sewing group was born.

Annette said friendships were formed over the years and people shared their skills.

“When I started we had a young mum who had won a sewing machine. We were all happy to teach her whatever she needed to know. By the end of it she could sew anything,“ she said.

Annette has since moved to Brisbane and Margaret Lucas has taken over coordinating the group.

In setting up a display of the group’s work for its open day, Margaret was overwhelmed by both the beauty and quality of the work created by members.

The Guilded Lilies continue to meet weekly at the Masonic Hall in Moorindil Street with members coming from across Noosa and the Sunshine Coast to diversify their sewing skills and have fun enjoying the social occasion.