Gary flies to London to HitPauze

The HitPauze team.

A promising Noosa tech start-up has been selected by Advance Queensland, a government initiative supporting innovation, to be part of a mission attending the prestigious London Tech Week.

This recognition serves as a significant milestone for HitPauze, which offers a cutting-edge mobile application available in app stores.

Expressing his delight, Gary Borham, the founder of HitPauze, said, “It is truly gratifying to receive recognition from our peers and be chosen by Advance Queensland and Start-Up Catalyst for London Tech Week.

“This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team.

“We are excited about this opportunity to share our solution with a global audience and contribute to improving the mental health and productivity of individuals worldwide.“

The app has gained popularity for its ability to assist users in managing their mental health, improving productivity, and aiding employers in promoting employee well-being.

London Tech Week, renowned as one of the world’s leading technology events and provides an ideal platform for HitPauze to showcase its innovative solution to a global audience.

The selection by Advance Queensland and StartUp Catalyst highlights the tremendous potential of the local start-up and underscores its commitment to transforming the way individuals manage their digital well-being.

“I’ve lived in Noosa for six years with my family. My wife is a local chiropractor, and we have two daughters,“ Gary said.

“The idea came after we got home from dinner one night and because of my previous app start-up, I was on so many apps sending messages after dinner at about 11pm on a Saturday night.

“My wife said ‘Who is this guy, you never used to look at your phone after dinner’. I just started looking at the behaviours that we’ve got around screens and how we just feel compelled to have them at an arm’s length at all times.”

In a world where being constantly connected can lead to feelings of overwhelm and digital burnout, HitPauze offers a solution that empowers users to take control of their digital lives.

“HitPauze is a simple product,“ Gary said.

“It’s like an out of office responder for your social media and messaging services. It gives you the ability to put your phone down and relax and not have to stress about getting back to people.“

HitPauze’s mobile application has already garnered attention from employers interested in fostering employee well-being.

The start-up is currently engaged in discussions with Officeworks to collaborate on a trial program. This partnership could further validate the efficacy of HitPauze’s solution in promoting a healthier work-life balance and enhancing productivity within organisations.

“I’m a small fish in this pie,“ Gary said of his trip to London Tech Week.

“There’s some very large Australian southeast Queensland companies going. But we’re going over because for us we hope to secure some funding for the next stage of our product.“