Become a volunteer

Sign up to volunteer with the SES.

Noosa is more than just a holiday destination. It’s a thriving, productive community of residents who bring up kids, mow the lawns, look after neighbours, work, manage retirement, and generally enjoy life in the many suburban and rural precincts. And they volunteer. Across the shire, according to Noosa Council, more than 20 per cent of residents do voluntary work with more than a quarter per cent aged 65-74years giving back to the community. Our vollies contribute to various activities, services and organisations, playing a vital role in supporting the local community and contributing millions of dollars in unpaid work annually.

For volunteers, it’s not only about giving back to the community, it’s also about enriching their own lives, having a positive impact on the lives of others, and acquiring new skills, building relationships, and gaining a sense of belonging.

More volunteers are needed, so if you’re looking to become a vollie here are some volunteering suggestions:

• Environmental Conservation: Noosa Shire has long had a strong membership of conservation groups. Volunteers often participate in activities focused on environmental conservation, such as tree planting, weed control, beach clean-ups, and wildlife monitoring.

• Community Services: Volunteers may assist in community centres, aged care facilities, hospitals, and schools, helping with tasks such as meal preparation, transportation, social engagement, or tutoring.

• Events and Festivals: Noosa hosts many events and festivals throughout the year, and volunteers often contribute their time and skills to help organise and run these events, assisting with tasks such as event setup, crowd management, information booths, or event promotion.

• Emergency Services: The Rural Fire Service and State Emergency Service play a critical role in ensuring community safety during emergencies. Volunteers may receive training in firefighting, first aid, or search and rescue, and actively participate in emergency response efforts.

• Sporting and Recreation Clubs: The Shire has a vibrant sports and recreation scene, with very many clubs and organisations catering to a wide range of interests. Volunteers contribute by coaching and mentoring athletes, organising sporting events, maintaining facilities, or assisting with administrative tasks.

• Arts and Culture: The Shire has a thriving arts and cultural scene, with galleries, theatres, and creative events. Volunteers assist in hanging in art exhibitions, sit on boards to plan events, act in plays, run front of house, and provide technical support during theatre performances.

• Tourism and Visitor Services: Volunteers provide visitor information and support at information centres, where they welcome tourists, provide recommendations, and assist with visitor services.

• Community Groups: There are numerous groups, including Lions, Rotary, Probus, Zonta, Chambers of Commerce and resident groups, which often meet monthly or quarterly to take an interest in local affairs, raise funds and provide fellowship.

Op shops: These shops, stocked with donations, are run by volunteer retail staff. They are always on the lookout for helpers.

The Noosa Brand is often talked about in a tourism context and as a catch-phrase to market ourselves to visitors. However, our true strength is our thriving community of residents and ratepayers who are the social and economic backbone of the Shire. We’re doing our best to support each other along with the cultural, sporting, business, environmental, services, and the many groups that make up our societal fabric. It’s our volunteers who have built this resilient community.

Look for volunteering opportunities on the Council website: