Norfolk pines gone – anyone notice?

Last one of a row of five Norfolk Island pines removed last week at Sunshine Beach for safety reasons.

In a matter of a couple of hours five 50-year-old Norfolk Island pines were obliterated from the landscape of Seaview Terrace, Sunshine Beach.

Neighbours believe the trees were planted on public land by a resident in the 1970s, and flourished.

Located on land used as an informal pathway and vehicle passageway the trees spread their roots into the neighbouring private property where recent owners plan to build.

A council spokesman said recent owners of the neighbouring property have lawful expectations of building a residence on their private property, and construction would impact on the root zone of the trees, rendering them unsafe.

“In the interests of public safety, Council has agreed for the trees to be removed. The works are required to be completed by licensed professionals with appropriate insurance. The site was to be left tidy, with the ground natural surface restored. Nearby residents were informed and made aware of temporary pathway closure to undertake the works, as well as the noise of tree removal,” the spokesman said.