Get ready for the Noosa show

Council staff get the mobile library ready to go for the Noosa Country Show.

The Noosa Country Show kicks off on September 8 and 9 and council staff are gearing up to add to the community spirit with a range of activities, giveaways, engagement opportunities and displays for all ages.

Stop by and check out the brand-new Mobile Library and say hi to the Noosa Libraries staff who will bring the ever-popular Seed Library, Book Bike, reading mat and Heritage Library information.

The Noosa Regional Gallery will also have family friendly activities for all to enjoy. Free passes to the Noosa Aquatic Centre will be on offer for the first 60 lucky locals to visit the council marquee.

Local laws will be on site to field any questions. It’s an opportunity to meet Butch, the local laws department’s travelling mascot whose job is to teach kids about safely meeting dogs.

Public relations officer Heather Williams said the Country Show offered light-hearted fun, but was also a great opportunity to engage with the community on several important projects.

“We love to engage with our community, and we are keen to talk to people who live and work in Pomona about what they love about their town and their vision for the future as part of the Pomona Place Making Program,” Ms Williams said.

The Noosa community can also share their views on the Draft Waste Strategy 2023 – 2028, which has been developed from strong community feedback. The aim of the strategy is to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and start to use waste as a resource.

Alongside council’s waste management team who will share waste, recycling and composting tips, the parks and gardens team will be back to chat with all ages about Noosa’s flora and fauna.

“Due to its popularity our parks and gardens team will return with an educational landscape display to provide some fun facts and useful information,” Ms Williams said.

Additionally, as storm season is coming up, visitors will have the chance to talk to the disaster management team and pick up copies of Council’s Noosa Emergency Action Guide.

Council’s marquee will be located just left of the main entrance gate.

For more information about the Noosa Show, visit