Spring carnival for Wishlist

Wishlist Spring Carnival aims to raise funds for a social worker for a Domestic and Family Violence High Risk Integrated Service.

On Friday 8 September, Sunshine Coast charity Wishlist will host its annual Wishlist Spring Carnival.

Now in its 14th year, Wishlist Spring Carnival has raised more than $1.8 million for lifesaving medical equipment, affordable hospital accommodation close to the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, medical research, invaluable therapy services and so much more.

This year, around 800 Sunshine Coast and Gympie ‘movers and shakers’ will attend the premier charity lunch as Wishlist strives to reach the $2 million milestone, and fund a dedicated social worker role for a Domestic and Family Violence High Risk Integrated Service – a first for the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service.

A worthwhile cause, the harrowing truth is that 1 in 4 women has experienced physical or sexual violence by their partner or boyfriend or date. With the generosity of attendees at Wishlists Spring Carnival, Wishlist will be able to fund a Sunshine Coast-first Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) High Risk Integrated Clinician at the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service – a ground-breaking project which will operate across five hospitals and several public health hubs.

“This year we are joined by generous business leaders and influential locals to raise $240,000 to establish a new three-year social worker position to liaise with other emergency services on high-risk domestic family violence cases identified through our health service,” says Wishlist CEO, Lisa Rowe.

Currently, there is no designated role in the SCHHS that completes the essential and potentially lifesaving work of sharing high-risk cases with agencies like QPS, child safety, and other DFV services. This is a significant gap for people experiencing high risk DFV situations and will potentially help up to 500 victims each year in our region.

“In 2014 a similar project position was funded by the Sunshine Coast community and it resulted in what is now a three person Child Protection Liaison team, funded by the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service – and the same position funded by Health Services across Queensland. That’s the power of a proactive community, and we know that the outcome is countless lives saved,” says Lisa.

Supporting the event this year are major sponsors Pacific Motor Group, Toomey Family Law, supported by Travis Schultz and Partners, Poole Group, Billy J, Smith Madden Creative Agency, Hot 91.1 and more.

Last year, the event hosted over 850 guests from the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Noosa and Gympie regions. The event raised an incredible $282,104 in just five hours thanks to its major live auction prizes, silent online auction and donations.

Held within the grand Sunshine Coast Convention Centre with celebrity appearances, an outdoor after party to rival local music festivals, and fireworks to close the event, each year the spectacle surpasses attendees expectations.

The Wishlist Spring Carnival is a part of Wishlist’s annual commitment of $2 million dollars to the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service and couldn’t go ahead without the generous auction donors and dedicated event committee who are all key players in the success of the day.

To donate visit wishlist.infoodle.com/f/SpringCarnivalAuctionItemDonationForm