Breaking records in historic pool

The Noosa team (L-R) Rod, Shane, Robert, Linda, Jacky (manager), Ian and Jo.

Brian Hoepper

Brisbane’s Valley Pool is beloved of many Queenslanders.

Over many decades, thousands of schoolkids have crowded the grandstands at ferociously-fought inter-school carnivals. National, state and regional championships have peppered the calendar.

Memories are rich and varied: the 1950s Brylcreem dispensing machine that restored a man’s hair to a stylish greasy lustre; gusty westerlies that carried the sounds of the August Ekka, mixed with sideshow detritus, over the wall and into the pool.

Westerlies were on the minds of the six Noosa Masters swimmers as they travelled to the Valley for the annual Northside meet. The first events proved a bracing experience, but then the clearing clouds signalled several hours of ideal warm weather.

As is traditional at the Northside meet, the 25-metre format encouraged fast and furious competition, particularly in the over-in-a-flash one lap sprints. In those races where the proverbial hair’s breadth can make all the difference, the six Noosa swimmers placed first in one event, second in five and third in two.

The standout performances of the day were produced by Noosa’s sprint star Ian Robinson. This year, Ian has graduated to the 60-64 age group and is rewriting the record books. Already in 2023 Ian has snared three long-standing records. One was the 25m breaststroke (15.88). Two others came in the 50m pool format – the 400 breaststroke (6:43.99) and the 200 individual medley (2:52.38).

At Northside Ian took his swims to a new level in his favoured short-course pool.

In a remarkable trio of swims, Ian set new Queensland state records in the 50m breaststroke (35.45), 200m breaststroke (2:55.33) and 200m individual medley (2:38.87).

The archives will need to be searched, but it’s likely that breaking three individual events at a single club meet – as distinct from a multi-day championship – is a very rare feat indeed.

Ian’s efforts were supported by podium results from two Noosa team mates. Jo Matthews won the silver medal in her age group, and Robert Ashwell the bronze in his. Fine swims were recorded by the three others in the Noosa team – Rod Alfredson, Linda Hogg and Shane Walsh.

A memorable day in the history of Noosa Masters.