Car show delights dads

John Sinclair with his 1953 2O MG, one of only 11 in Australia. The classic car, nicknamed Strawberries and Cream, took John two years to restore after he picked it up in pieces from Macleay Island. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

The car show was a resounding success for Noosa Beach Classic Car Club, the local and regional MG Sports Car Clubs, main event sponsor Shannons Insurance, exhibitors , traders and visitors.

Sunshine and blue skies showcased the bumper car entries on display with a huge turn out from the MG clubs to support their centenary of brand.

Club patron, Bob Abbot officially opened the show, the Sandflys hit the musical notes and families flooded through the gates to share Father’s Day together.

Seventeen categories of cars were judged, trophies and prizes were awarded to the proud owners who stepped onto the podium for presentations.

Best car in the show was awarded to Cam Impellizzeri, proud owner of a 1950 Fiat 1400 Cabriolet – a true classic car.

Winner of the American sedan category was Noosa Beach Club member, Mike Morris in his immaculately presented 1961 Cadillac series 2.

Winner of the people’s choice category was Rick Wellens for his fabulous, rare 1981 DeLorean DMC 12.

Charles Priest , Priest family jewellers, Noosa Civic presented the Terry Hook Memorial prize, being a beautiful Citizen watch to Graeme Robertson, winner of the competition car category who displayed a 1976 Ford Escort MK2 RS 2000.

Full show results will be posted on the Noosa Beach Car Club website