Inquiry into incorrect seatbelt fines

Fault found in camera detected offence program.

Transport and Main Roads have commissioned an independent review into the Camera Detected Offence Program, after a design fault was uncovered in the system that resulted in drivers having double demerit points incorrectly applied for passenger seatbelt offences captured by cameras between 1 November 2021 and 31 August 2023.

The department says the fault was identified during an analysis of offences issued by the system and was immediately rectified.

For a small number of Queenslanders, this has resulted in their licence being suspended incorrectly or drivers serving a “good driving behaviour period”.

Transport and Main Roads will be contacting all impacted drivers in the coming days.

A driver is only impacted when:

They have committed two or more seatbelt offences within a period of 12-months; and

One of those offences was a camera-detected offence where a passenger was not correctly wearing a seatbelt.

A dedicated hotline has been established on 1800 740 786. Drivers who believe they have been impacted are encouraged to get in touch.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said: “Simply put – this should never have happened. I am sorry to every person impacted by this.

“My department is receiving urgent legal advice on the swift reissuance of incorrectly suspended licences,” he said.

“For the remaining licence holders who have retained their licence but incorrectly lost some points, Transport and Main Roads will reverse the incorrectly issued double demerit points.

“All offences were correctly recorded and financial penalties have been correctly issued – the design fault is solely in the application of double demerit points in specific circumstances.

“I expect the review will be complete in the coming months.”