Young artists Wild at HeArt

U18 Wild Card award went to Thea-Bella for 'A Raining King'.

Wondrous whimbrels, a bold southern cassowary and a northern hairy-nosed wombat were just some of the winning artworks from the 2023 Wild HeART Student Art Prize.

From Cairns to Palm Beach, and as far west as Toowoomba, 217 entrants were received from young Queensland artists with 12 winners announced at the Maroochy Bushland Botanic Garden on Saturday 16 September.

The incredible talent of 40 finalists and winners is on display at the Arts and Ecology Centre at the gardens in this exhibition capturing our unique Australian plants and animals.

Entrants were invited to submit an artwork featuring Australian native flora, fauna and fungi, with a special category for threatened species.

Sunshine Coast artist and Wild HeART competition judge Bernardine Hine congratulated the entrants and said they had each achieved something special.

“When I commenced, what struck me the most, was the time and care each and every artist took to not only create their entry, but to research their subjects and present the most interesting artist statements,” Ms Hine said.

“I took great pleasure in reading them all and it is delightful that each of you had not only a creative journey but also a learning journey in taking part with this exhibition.

Sunshine Coast Council councillor Maria Suarez said four winners were selected from each age category and Judge’s wild card.

“This art prize is a great opportunity to foster young talent and create awareness of Australia’s native plants and animals,” she said.

The Wild HeART Student Art Prize Finalists will be on display from 10am-2pm daily until Sunday 1 October. Entry is free.

For more information, visit the Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens website.