Update on Noosa advocacy

Sandy Bolton seeks a transition to an alternative Cooloola Great Walk Project without built structures.

With the culmination of a number of long advocacy journeys and the start of others, there is much to update on!


It was an honour to be named chair of a Parliamentary Committee to address one of the most complex and traumatic issues impacting Queenslanders. The importance of obtaining bipartisan agreements and recommendations is key, and I look forward to working with members from both sides of the Chamber, as well advocates, victims and experts who will form a crime advisory group that has also been announced by the Premier and importantly, the new Victims Commissioner. A united stance is needed to keep communities safe, while reviewing the many contributors to criminal behaviours especially in our children and youth. We must identify actions needed both now and longer term, to see an end to the types of behaviours Queensland communities can no longer tolerate. With my efforts over the past four years for a review of our Parliamentary Committee system, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of creating a space free of politics to get resolutions, and with this being the first independently chaired committee in QLD for two decades, it will no doubt be under intense scrutiny! Given the commitment from all to see greater safety, I have no doubt that committee members will leave their ideologies at the door for the greater good, and base decisions on best practice and intent, versus gathering ammunition for further politicking.


After four years of information gathering, fact checking, working with activists and advocates, sharing knowledge gained and a few headaches, the final part in this journey was our recent survey for Noosa residents on this proposed project. Although a ‘small’ majority of 53.38 per cent were in support of the current activities including bushwalking, kayaking, surfing, tours, camping as currently conducted, the majority were against any form of new eco-accommodation sites.

In response, I have written to both the Ministers for Environment and Tourism to seek a transition to an alternative Cooloola Great Walk Project that will deliver outcomes sought by Kabi Kabi in job creation, sharing of culture and returning to Country, that does not involve built structures.

Additionally, I have requested a review of the Nature Conservation Act and its references to eco-tourism to address the concerns relating to the ‘Cardinal Principle’. This is not retracting support for our First Nations People and their endeavours, rather clarifying how this can be done in a non-divisive way as we have seen the conflicted desires of our community to support Kabi Kabi endeavours whilst staying true to the intent of National Parks. Updates on these advocacies will be posted to Facebook and Noosa 360 (www.SandyBolton.com/Noosa360).


As previously reported, we had been waiting for the first ‘tranche’ of actions resulting from the two-year process by the Noosa River Stakeholder Advisory Committee (NRSAC) and community consultation, following our advocacies for better management of our river. Yes, another long journey!

As announced, the first has been a change in speeds. Some have welcomed and some have criticised, however as posted, these changes for greater safety will be reviewed over the coming weeks. The map is available on Noosa 360, signage and buoys in place to assist boaties, with Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) assuring that they will concentrate on education initially, however, will infringe when safety is compromised.

The balance of the recommendations around mooring and anchoring will roll out over the coming months, with some requiring legislative change. Thank you to all who contributed to this ‘first’ for Queensland, including MSQ and Noosa Council who co-chaired NRSAC, which saw great debate, engagement and lots of Facebook commentary!


This proposed destruction of koala habitat at the quarry, has led to submissions from myself, environmental groups, Noosa Council and residents to the Federal Government requesting that this application be deemed a ‘Controlled Action’ requiring further assessment, with a visit from our Federal MP Llew appreciated. Having spoken with the QLD Minister for Environment, she has advised that the proposed vegetation clearing is not currently authorised under their Environmental Authority, and any such application received would be assessed thoroughly and rigorously considering impacts to koalas and other matters of state environmental significance.


Thank you to all who attended the information sessions and sent submissions. After conferring with the Minister for Planning and Noosa Council, I remain confident that the work being done in preparation for Council’s Housing Supply Statement will see any concerns around building heights and unsustainable population addressed which should be finalised by early next year. Now we must turn our attention to managing visitor numbers that will increase as populations to the south of us are projected to over the next decade, so it is important that everyone gets their feedback to Noosa Council’s Destination Management Plan available at www.yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au How we manage these numbers will ultimately determine desirability for residents to live here, and tourists to visit!


We continue to assist genuine requests from residents experiencing homelessness, however repeated reports have been made on some that due to privacy I cannot discuss. Many of these situations are complex, and I ask as part of ensuring that everyone receives the appropriate assistance, that money is not provided, as sadly there can be those who have a home but portray homelessness due to addictions, mental health issues and loneliness. Instead, please give the contact numbers we post up at www.sandybolton.com/keycontacts and if for any reason they do not have a phone, kindly offer to dial the number for the Homeless Hotline on 1800474753, Department of Housing on 53527333, Salvation Army Housing on 07 3832 1491 or my office on 53193100. If it is after hours, use the Homelessness Hotline or contact me via messenger. Some may reject the offered calls especially to myself or my office, as they may be well known to us.


Having spoken before on the number of incidents becoming prevalent that relate to mental health, including homelessness, I have asked the Minister for Health what considerations are underway to address this within our communities, including residents with limited capacity to care for themselves. A tough discussion is needed as to how best we support those who years ago may have lived within purpose-managed facilities, as assistance through outreach services appears to be failing, with it becoming increasingly difficult to find accommodation for residents with complex needs who require 24/7 care.

In addition, we have requested to our Minister for Police that the statistics around the amount of time spent on call outs to mental health and domestic violence be made publicly available in the graphs, as from my understanding this is taking considerably more resources than previous years, leading to less available time in other arenas. With a reported 30 per cent of Queensland’s police force at any time on Workcover, annual or sick leave, it is essential that this is addressed as a priority and no doubt will be a key aspect for the Crime Select Committee to investigate.


With the Native Title determinations that we had hoped would have completed last month being amended to three separate claims, we now have another wait and I again thank everyone including the proponents for their patience. I did say there would be a book about this journey?


After advocacies to the Treasurer and Minister for Resources for land valuation and land tax relief, it was a positive that even though we did not get the valuation freeze requested nor increased land tax thresholds, that the independent Valuer General has not included Noosa in the list of LGAs to be revalued in 2024, even though Sunshine Coast will be. This ‘breather’ is appreciated while advocates continue to see more improvements to the system and less impacts.


With the school holidays currently underway, that we will not see the hoped for changes to day tripper permits in time for the Christmas holidays means we will again be reliant on extra resources to manage volume and behaviours, and it was good to have confirmed that Operation Sandstorm will continue. With Noosa Council reducing speed outside Teewah village, and the Department of Environment and Science (DES) installing new signage at the ferry and at the cuttings, there is progress however never quick enough which I have relayed to DES. As part of ensuring greater safety keep reporting dangerous or damaging behaviours and give any friends visiting a heads up that we love our home, and to help us in our endeavours to protect it!


With El Nino likely to continue until the end of Summer, this season is especially dangerous for fire and it’s imperative to get yourself and your home ready! This includes your evacuation pack with medications, as well provisions for your furry family such as travel cages, with information available at www.getready.qld.gov.au. If you have any new neighbours, please share this information as many are unfamiliar with living in heavily treed areas, and check with elderly living nearby to see that they have a plan in place!

As always to keep updated, subscribe to our newsletter at www.SandyBolton.com/Newsletters, which ensures you receive Noosa specific surveys, and don’t forget the many updates available at Noosa 360 www.SandyBolton.com/Noosa360. For further assistance, please contact our office via noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au or 5319 3100.