Men’s shed blooming success

Artist Martin Taylor with his painting Poppies Forever. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

Good weather and a good turnout added to the success of Noosa Men’s Shed annual sale and open day last Saturday.

Visitors wandered the grounds of their Wallum Lane, Noosaville compound, dropping into their various sheds where activities including wood work, painting, leather work and restorations are conducted.

They marvelled at their extensive range of neatly ordered tools, viewed their impressive veggie garden and stopped in at the social centre to listen to the resident band, The Hip Replacements.

So impressed were some visitors they signed up on the day to be new members.

Having taken up art at the Men’s Shed only a few years earlier Martin Taylor displayed his travel-inspired paintings for both the annual sale day and as part of Noosa Open Studios Art Trail.

It went really well with good sales of handmade items and an enjoyable morning for all, Men’s Shed president Chris Blignaut said.

“More important was community engagement – getting the message out to the community to explain who we are and what we do,“ he said.