Principal’s words resonate with hope and encouragement

Each student leader delivered a heartfelt speech, reflecting on their favourite experiences.

In a heartwarming celebration of achievements, resilience, and growth, Sunshine Beach State School recently hosted a graduation ceremony for its Year 6 learners.

The event brought together families, friends and the community to commemorate the incredible journey of these young graduates.

The ceremony was a poignant moment for both students and educators as school student leaders took centre stage to reminisce about cherished memories.

Each student leader delivered a heartfelt speech, reflecting on their favourite experiences throughout their time at Sunshine Beach State School. From proudly representing the school at the Anzac Day march to running school assemblies and extending warm greetings to new families, the leaders shared a tapestry of moments that defined their primary school years.

Principal Alison Welch, in her emotionally charged speech, congratulated the graduating class for their outstanding achievements and for embodying the values of the school.

She commended the cohort for displaying exemplary behaviour and taking great pride in their school.

Mrs Welch took a nostalgic journey through the students’ primary school milestones, from the early days of playing with trucks in the sandpit to their growth into senior students engaging in challenging learning experiences such as STEM and alternative energy sources.

Expressing her confidence in their future endeavours, Mrs Welch quoted Dr Seuss, saying, “98 and three-quarter per cent indeed.“

“At Sunshine Beach State School, we are 100 per cent sure that you have the skills, the quality, the enthusiasm, and the desire to go forth into the world to discover the person that you want to be and to be successful.“

The principal’s words resonated with hope and encouragement, setting the tone for the graduates’ exciting journey ahead.

Representing the School’s Parents and Citizens (P&C) association, Liz Boyd took the stage to acknowledge the graduating class.

Liz praised the students as a kind, caring, and compassionate group, highlighting the positive impact they’ve had on the school community.

As the ceremony concluded, the air buzzed with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the future.

The Year 6 graduates of Sunshine Beach State School, equipped with a foundation of knowledge, resilience, and community spirit, are now ready to embark on the next chapter of their educational journey.

The graduation gala not only celebrated academic achievements but also emphasised the values of kindness, compassion, and community that are integral to Sunshine Beach State School.

As the Year 6 students meandered through the clap out tunnel created by the other students in the school symbolizing the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, Sunshine Beach State School bid a fond and enthusiastic farewell to its Year 6 graduates, confident in their abilities to shape a bright and successful future.