An alarming 22 percent increase in domestic violence reports in Queensland since 2019 has prompted the development of a new app to provide hints on how to deal with DV issues, for those involved and those who can help.
“Christmas is not always the happiest time of the year for those who feel unsafe in their homes or relationships,“ Assistant police Commissoner Brian Codd said this week.
And if there is one time worse than Christmas it may be Boxing or New Years days, according to police domestic violence statistics.
He said police were now working with Griffith University’s Motivating Action Through Empowerment Bystander program to help achieve safer homes.
The related Be There app aimed to empower bystanders with information to help support those in need.
“Over recent years, statistics show a rise in domestic violence occurrences across the holiday period, particularly on Boxing and New Year’s Day,“ Assistant Commissioner Brian Codd said.
Although most people found this time of year an occasion of joy and celebration, those in unsafe or controlling relationships could have a far different experience, he said.
“One of the most dangerous places for vulnerable members of our community is not on our streets, it’s behind closed doors,” he said.
“Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home but sadly this is not always the case.
“Police are often called to domestic violence incidents at a point of crisis where it can be difficult to resolve issues.
“One of the most effective ways we can make a difference this is by reaching out to support someone who may need it and the Be There app gives you tools to do this safely and effectively.”
Established in 2021, the Be There app is a bystander empowerment tool which provides information on how you can learn the signs, connect the dots and remember the moments that matter, to support those who need a safe space.
Director of Griffith’s MATE and Be There program Shaan Ross-Smith said for many people, Christmas was filled with fear, intimidation and dread.
“It’s important to see ourselves as active bystanders,” she said.
“So often, we see, hear or sense something that isn’t ok but don’t act on it because we’re unsure what the right thing to do is.
“Be There gives you this information so you can send messages of help to those experiencing domestic violence and messages of accountability to those who think it’s acceptable to be controlling or violent.
“Together we can ensure that everyone feels safe this Christmas and Be There when it matters,” he said.
Since 2019, domestic and family violence occurrences over the Christmas and New Year period had increased by 22% (2096 to 2558).
During the 2021 Christmas and New Year period (22 December to 2 January), police responded to 2558 domestic and family violence occurrences.
In 2021, the days of highest demand for police responses to domestic and family violence were Boxing Day, with police responding to 270 occurrences and New Year’s Day with 254 occurrences.