Ampersand set for funky launch at Land & Sea Brewery

The launch party will feature a stellar lineup of local artists.

Ampersand will be celebrating the release of their debut EP Entry Level on Sunday 9 June with a funky afternoon launch show.

Hosted by the award winning Land & Sea Brewery in Noosa from 4-8pm, it’s free entry thanks to funding from Noosa Council’s RADF Grant program.

Featuring a stellar lineup of local music, including Henry Catania, Hati, Ella Joy, Harriette and Tatum, Moneyshot and of course, Ampersand jamming out their EP live, head along to support local artists and businesses.

With both the music and hospitality industries doing it tough right now, showing up to enjoy some a feed, a bevy and free live music on a Sunday is a huge help.

RSVP online at