Celebrating Noosa’s SES volunteers

Cutting the cake at Noosa SES WOW Day celebrations on 20 May.

To celebrate National Volunteers Week (20-26 May), Noosa SES held a barbecue on Monday night to thank volunteers from Boreen Point, Pomona, Cooroy and Tewantin.

SES deputy group leader Dan Harmer signed up with the SES and the RFS in the area about four years ago in 2020.

“The reasoning was due to the fires that were happening around Peregian Beach,“ he said.

“It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do but when I was working I did a lot of travel so it wasn’t easy to do.

“Once I retired, I thought it would be a good way to help the community like a lot of people do.“

Since signing up, he’s helped people through floods, storms, fires and even been on deployment to Cairns after Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

“When I went away to Cairns on my first deployment with the SES, I didn’t really know what I was going to come across,“ Dan said.

“In those situations you see so much devastation and so much tragedy, but you can make a difference.

“It makes you feel like you’ve achieved something with your life.“

As the deputy group leader, Dan said it was important to thank volunteers for giving up their time so willingly.

“They’re a great bunch and very much into team orientated things,“ he said.

“They’re always they’re to put their hands up to help out and keen to learn new skills.

“Without the volunteers, the community would be struggling to find people to help.“

He encouraged anyone with the spare time to give volunteering with the SES a go.

“It’s a two way street, you’re not only helping your community but you’re also learning new skills that you can use around your own home,“ he said. “You get such a wonderful feeling that you can actually help someone who’s in need or struggling.

“Sometimes you can just help people by having a sensitive ear and listening to their issues.“