Local school on target to become 100 per cent carbon neutral

Students learn to harvest and prepare food in their Kitchen Garden program.

After learning about Noosa Pengari Steiner School’s focus on sustainability from the early foundation years to graduation in Year 12, we were enthusiastic about meeting with Principal, Francis Klugman.

However, what we learned about the school’s focus and vision was even more impressive!

Whilst children as young as five are instilled with values such as “Respect for others and respect for our environment”, they are intentionally given an understanding and relationship with nature, rather than being taught to maintain. These values help shape students from preschool, and into the primary school years where they continue to appreciate their environment, not only through sowing, planting, pruning and harvesting, but reaping what they sow, literally, learning to harvest and prepare food they can eat and share in their Kitchen Garden program.

Such simple lessons create strong values which span further into the school’s High School curriculum which contains a strong philosophical element, creating students who are empowered by values and carry this through as they move into Geography in Years 8 and 9. In Year 10, Environmental Studies becomes a core subject with focus on topics such as Agriculture, Aquaculture and beyond.

Even more impressive was Francis’s focus on becoming Carbon Neutral by the end of 2024. This intense focus was shared, driven and guided by a group of High School students in 2022 after Francis reached out in an assembly for interested volunteers.

Twelve students spanning Years 9 to 12 excitedly volunteered and from there commenced the process of data collection, analysis and generating ideas on how to become carbon neutral, reduce energy consumption and become self-sufficient.

Although limited by three separate titles and three separate meters, the school already boasts 15kW solar panels installed on the new Basketball and Sports Arena, additional panels on the Years 5-7 building and has upcoming plans being finalised currently for an additional 13kW solar system to be installed on the new music building thanks to the initiative of this innovative group.

When asked “What next?” beyond the final solar system installation, Francis was filled with excitement. Whilst the school utilises two diesel buses daily, they are now focusing on the potential of Biodiesel being produced by High School students on the school grounds as part of their Chemistry curriculum from Years 9-10, to create an alternative to traditional fossil fuels currently being used. The school has also decided to electrify the Maintenance department replacing all power tools as they near the end of their lives with battery powered tools to be powered through the schools solar systems. This will expand to the ride-on mowers, brush cutters and eventually, even to replace the two buses with electric as and when price permits. Obvious changes will take place as budget permits to convert any non-LED lighting to more efficient alternatives, Air Conditioning systems and eventually, powering school buses.

The school’s intense focus on sustainability and electrification is certainly demonstrative of how residents, businesses and industries are achieving significant cost reductions by analysing the costs of traditional fossil fuels such as petrol and gas and turning to renewable energy alternatives, such as solar, battery and biodiesel alternatives.

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