Rescued lone yachtsman gives thanks to Noosa Coast Guard

Coast Guard vessels John Waddams and Rotary Rescue.

The Noosa Coast Guard volunteers received a grateful visit from a lone yachtsman last week who they rescued in November 2022.

They received a Mayday call from the man who was experiencing severe chest pains and was halfway between Noosa and Double Island Point.

The John Waddams set off to assist and found the distressed vessel north of Teewah Beach.

The yachtsman was then taken across to John Waddams and returned to Munna at high speed, where the patient was transferred to a waiting ambulance.

Meanwhile, two crew members from John Waddams who had transferred across to the yacht sailed it back to Noosa.

The gentleman involved came back to Munna last week and wanted to thank everyone involved.

He said when he had arrived in hospital, he was told that he was suffering from acute internal bleeding and probably only had an hour or so left to live.

Last month, the Noosa Coast Guard were called to assist another medical emergency, aboard a vessel that had been fishing at “The Hards” on an overnight trip.

They had cancelled the trip as a crew member said to be suffering from renal failure needed to get back to shore urgently.

QF5 was requested to provide assistance and the distressed vessel requested that an ambulance be arranged for their arrival.

These services were rendered without incident and the ill crew member was successfully delivered into medical care.

Well done to Noosa Coast Guard!