Sunshine Coast boy honoured with Young Ambassador Award for outstanding charity work

Nate Nelson with Carmel Crouch. (Supplied)

An 11-year-old Sunshine Coast boy, Nate Nelson, has been named as STEPS Group’s first ever ‘STEPS Pathways Young Ambassador’ after raising $15,000 for young adults with a disability and autism.

Nate single-handedly raised the funds over a two-year period, walking over 50 kilometres in the Steps for STEPS fundraising events.

Carmel Crouch, managing director of STEPS Group, introduced Nate to the crowd at the non-profit’s 2024 Grand Winter Ball to officially recognise his support and hard work.

“I am very proud to recognise Nate’s incredible commitment to STEPS Pathways College and our students as well as his awesome fundraising efforts,” Ms Crouch said.

“I would like to acknowledge Nate’s exceptional loyalty and amazing dedication to our organisation by honouring him with our ‘STEPS Pathways Young Ambassador’ award,” she said.

Nate, a Grade 5 student from Sunshine Coast Grammar School, graciously accepted the title on stage, giving his own acceptance speech in front of a crowd of STEPS Pathways College students, STEPS staff and volunteers, local business partners and sponsors, and other supporters from the community.

“I promise that I will do my best to represent you and our community, and I’ll continue to spread the word about STEPS,” he said.

“I will also keep walking every year to raise money for students, and I’ll happily help STEPS wherever I can and whenever you need me.”

With the school holidays coming up in a matter of weeks, Nate plans to continue his tradition of visiting the STEPS Pathways College students and spending his breaks supporting STEPS Charity.

A young man of his word, Nate is looking forward to participating in Steps for STEPS in early 2025.