The local community is encouraged to have a say on the revised draft Noosaville Foreshore Infrastructure Master Plan either online – before midnight, December 15 – or in person this Friday.
“We’d love to see young families come along and tell us their thoughts, we’ll even have a face painter for the kids while their parents have a say,” Noosa Council’s Community Engagement Advisor Caroline Osborne said.
The community pop-up will take place on the grassed area near the Boathouse on Gympie Terrace between 4pm and 6.30pm, Friday, December 13.
The reshaped master plan reflects the feedback of more than 2000 people who took the time to provide input during the second round of consultation in July.
“We’ve taken all of the feedback on board – the negative and positive – and revised the draft plan substantially to honour what we heard from the community,” Ms Osborne said.
Under the revised draft, the boat ramp area won’t change, but a slightly wider path with shade trees parallel to Gympie Terrace is proposed to improve pedestrian safety.
“The revised plan retains most of the carparking, except for 10 spaces along the road beside the boat ramp, with these proposed to become moped and motorcycle parking.
“Provision has also been made for disability and loading zone parking for nearby businesses.”
The tennis court will stay, and Council is working closely with the tennis club to explore the opportunity to transition to a multi-court facility over time, allowing, for example, basketball.
The revised draft Master Plan limits any new concrete or hard surfaces, but will pave the way for better shared pathways over time, plus allow for an upgrade of Pirate Playground, with scope for some new smaller nature play areas along the foreshore.
The revised plan will also see existing toilet facilities upgraded over time, and a new toilet facility built at Quota Park.
“Grassed areas in key locations will stay for easy beach access.”
Ms Osborne said just over 90 people had so far had a say during this round of consultation.
“We’d like to hear from everyone whether this revised plan hits the mark, especially those aged 15 to 44 to ensure we have equal input from residents of all ages,” she said.
“Come and see us on Friday, check out the draft plan, ask questions and have a say. We’d love to see you there. If you can’t make it, have a say via”