Sunshine Coast Council yesterday opened a refuge to keep residents, visitors and animals safe at Nambour Showgrounds and will be opening two more places of refuge Thursday at Caloundra Indoor Stadium, North Street Caloundra and Landsborough Sportsground, 15 Tunnel Ridge Road, Landsborough.
Sunshine Coast Mayor and Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair Rosanna Natoli said if you have to leave your home, and it’s safe to do so, then please utilise Council’s Places of Refuge.
“We encourage you to stay with friends and family first, but if you are unable to, Council has opened three Places of Refuge,” Mayor Natoli said.
“Animals can be housed at this location in crates, but residents must supply their own crate.
“There are several horses stabled at Nambour already, as well as two caravans.
“Please only bring essential items, as well as your pillow and blanket, as space is at a premium.
“More locations across the Coast will be opened as needed.”
You can keep up-to-date with the locations of our places of refuge at Sunshine Coast Council’s Disaster Hub.
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