Evening of arts lights up Hastings Street

Steve Beardsley, Cecilia Moya, Steve Rosendale and Karen Beardsley.

The G Contemporary was buzzing on Saturday night 29 June with the opening of the solo exhibition, Half Hidden Houses by Melbourne artist Steve Rosendale.

This is Steve Rosendale’s third solo show in Noosa, which is always a hit with collectors and admirers drawn to his retro vibe and uber-coolness. This new exhibition is no exception.

The evening was fun fulled with plenty of arty conversation as the artist discussed his influences, thoughts and inspirations, as well as his techniques around his art practice.

Half Hidden Houses delves into the mystique of 1960s’ Americana, capturing the essence of mid-century suburban life.

Through his evocative oil paintings, Rosendale explores themes of opulence and isolation within these idyllic settings.

The works highlight intimate domestic spaces, often framed by lush gardens and shimmering pools, suggesting a sense of nostalgia and a longing for a bygone era.

Each piece suggests traces of the unseen, inviting contemplation of hidden stories within serene facades. Rosendale masterfully blends realism and abstraction, creating a timeless homage to 1960s’ suburbia.

The Exhibition at The G Contemporary, Hastings Street, Noosa Heads will run until Sunday 10 July. The gallery is open seven days a week and check the website thegcontemporary.com for daily opening times.