Food forest trend taking root in Cooroy

Elisabeth is at home in her food forest.

Award-winning Sunshine Coast permaculture teacher Elisabeth Fekonia has launched her fourth book and is hosting a hands-on workshop in Cooroy this month to teach the basics of planting a food forest.

Elisabeth’s latest book, Growing and Cooking Tropical Vegetables in a food forest garden, has been a labour of love, and has stemmed from her more than 30 years of practicing self-sufficiency.

“Creating your own food forest garden is possibly the most challenging and rewarding gardening experience you will ever have,” said Elisabeth, who is also a long-time member of Permaculture Noosa and an accredited teacher.

She said that in addition to providing a bountiful harvest year-round, a backyard food forest also creates a tranquil tropical escape from the stress of everyday life.

“Whenever you need a break from the busyness of daily life you can wander down and take a little stroll in your own food forest garden. I often do this with a cuppa and have a 10-minute respite so I can drink in the atmosphere and relax a bit.”

The subtropical climate we have on the Sunshine Coast provides ideal growing conditions for edible plants, from arrowroot and amaranth to yakon and yam bean.

“Tropical vegetables grow well on the Sunshine Coast and are ideal for a food forest garden. The many layers of a food forest, just like in a natural forest, protect the plants during our scorching hot summers,” Elisabeth said.

The 146-page hardcover book covers everything from concept to cultivation, including soil preparation, plant selection and growing tips, plus there are more than 130 recipes to make sure you’re using every ingredient from your food forest.

Growing and Cooking Tropical Vegetables in a food forest garden is available online at for $55.

For those who also want a hands-on experience, Elisabeth is hosting a transformative workshop experience at the Cooroy Community Gardens in Emerald Street on Sunday, 10 September from 9.30am to 3pm. Book now on the website or Facebook.